For Welcome Week this year, I have been helping at all three of our Denton campuses: The University of North Texas, Texas Woman's University, and North Central Texas College. This week I had a few neat encounters at the student organization fairs at both TWU and NCTC that I want to share! On Thursday at NCTC my co-minister, Aaron Hollingsworth, was setting up the FOCUS booth for the fair and saw a female student on the phone. She was raising her voice and obviously upset by this phone call. After she hung up, she sat on a bench and started crying. Aaron was about to try and console her, but wasn't sure if she would feel uncomfortable being approached by him. As he was considering this, another woman who works for the college went and sat with the student. It seemed to help, and the student quickly stopped crying. As the woman was walking back to her booth, Aaron stopped her and thanked her for consoling this student. The woman noticed that Aaron was standing at the FOCUS booth and said that her daughter is a freshman at Collin College and just started attending FOCUS there! What a neat connection! That was so encouraging to us, knowing that God is working through generations of students and families through this ministry.
Aaron at the FOCUS booth at NCTC |
We also had a student approach our booth at the TWU organization fair who specifically came looking for us because she has a friend that attends FOCUS at Collin College who recommended our ministry!
TWU student Claudia meeting new students |
God's Spirit is working and moving across the campuses of DFW, that's for sure! Thank you so much for your many prayers for the campuses, the new students, our student leaders, and our staff. There were many days when we were tired and not sure we could keep going nonstop, but the thought of your prayers and support was motivating and encouraging! Thank you a million times.
Much love <3
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