Almost every weekend in October was pretty full for our ministry, but the biggest event we had was Fall Camp. Since I had been doing ministry at Collin College these past two years, I haven't been to a Fall Camp in quite a long time. It definitely exceeded my expectations, and I'm continuing to get great feedback from our students about the event! Our main goal for Fall Camp is for new students to integrate into the community and for everyone to build new and deeper friendships. Since our theme for the year is "Be Brave" we decided to focus our camp specifically on bravery in friendships. We had some students share their experiences of a time when they needed to be brave in a friendship. We also had a previous FOCUS staff member, Melissa Collini, speak to to the students about vulnerability and the importance of bravery in relationships. This has sparked many conversations about vulnerability in our cores and among our student leaders.
Original artwork created for our weekend at camp |
Some TWU students at camp |
Games are a camp favorite |
God's Spirit was present during our praise and worship! |
Our second largest event in October was the FOCUS 20 Year Celebration, where I got to see many of you! It was so amazing and special to see all the people that have been impacted by the vision that God gave Ronnie Worsham, our church pastor, so long ago: to plant college ministries in the DFW area. I loved getting to see people's faces during the worship and experience the joy of seeing the fruit of the hard labor over the years to create what we have now. God is so good! I am so blessed to be a part of what God is doing in this city. I hope to continue to play a role in this vision for the next 20 years!
The 20 Year Celebration was packed out! |
Finally, I would like to leave you with a testimony from one of my very own TWU leaders that I mentor named Sierrah.
"Last Fall was when I started to seek out a deeper relationship with Christ and I never thought that by doing that amazing things would happen. In the Spring, I was a transfer student and very new to the Denton community, but as soon as I got in touch with FOCUS, I felt at home. At the very beginning, I was easily amazed by the warmth of the community and hearing sermons about God’s work. It was easy to show up to core and Friday Night Fellowship at UNT and just sit and listen, but the more I listened, the more I realized that God had a bigger plan and FOCUS showed me that. When doing my FOJ study and participating in outreach, I learned that I was created to be a disciple as a testimony to God’s love for me. He pulled me out the darkness and into the light so that I could be an example of Him and every day I am thankful for that. I have learned and experienced for the first time what community is like and how important it is through FOCUS. I have made friends who have invested in me from the moment I met them and my friendships are continuously growing. Through FOCUS, I have been able to set goals for myself that reflect God’s will and from that I find peace because I am saved." Sierrah Martinez, Texas Woman's University, Nursing
Much love <3
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