This summer is going to be full of changes for me, so I'm currently trying to build a giant to-do list! In just a couple of weeks I'll be moving to Denton where Matt and I will live and continue to do ministry together. I'll be working primarily with students at Texas Woman's University and The University of North Texas, which I'm super excited about. Next week is my last week of work at the speech therapy clinic I've been working at for a few hours a week, in addition to ministry. Thankfully, I just had a job interview today for a new speech therapy position in Denton, and it's right next to the TWU campus! God always exceeds my hopes and expectations in the way that he provides. To address the question that everyone's been asking these days: yes, wedding planning is going well :)
Now that school is out our ministry is working on strategic planning for the upcoming years, as well as building our student leader teams for the 2016-2017 school year. This is a challenging process, but God has provided us with so many potential leaders that we probably won't even be able to take all of them! This is definitely a good "problem" to have. In order for us to give each student leader (corefa) a good year of ministry, we want to be sure that we have enough staff members to adequately meet with all of them personally. We wish we could have them all. Please be praying for wisdom and discernment from God about which students he would like to be in leadership positions this coming year.
Speaking of leaders, remember our SICM trip? We had a blast, and many of our potential student leaders returned with a vision for campus ministry and increased enthusiasm to lead their peers. Thanks for all your prayers!
Beautiful view of our last day at SICM |
SICM student selfie |
Collin students at SICM--the people I worked with all year |
New Denton staff team (minus our intern Brittany)
(left to right): Miriam, Cody, Aaron, Matt, me |
One more major thing I'll be working on this summer is fundraising. For those of you transitioning off my support team, I would like to thank you for all you've done this year to serve our ministry. We couldn't have done it without you! For those of you who are continuing on my support team, I want to thank you for your ongoing faithfulness to the mission! I'll be following up with you all in the next couple of months and I look forward to catching up! For everyone: if there is anyone you know that's excited about campus missions and would be interested in joining my team, please let me know!
Thanks for reading! Next month I'll update you on how summer FOCUS has been going (we just started last week!). I hope I'll still have my head on my shoulders by then! ;)
Much love,
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