Even though February had an extra day this year, it still didn't seem long enough! I can't complain though, because that means Spring Break is that much closer ;)
One of the biggest things happening in our ministry right now is preparation for
SICM (Student Institute of Campus Ministry). Each May we select a large group of students to attend a week-long, intensive ministry conference in Washington state. This has always been incredibly formative for our students, and often those who attend the conference will become leaders in our community. At SICM, our students learn how to be ministers to their peers by facilitating small groups, reaching out to students on campus, and studying Jesus' style of ministry.

We plan to take around 100 students and the cost of the trip is often more than the average student can afford (due to the price of plane tickets). We encourage our students to have individual fundraisers of all kinds in order to raise the money. FOCUS also hosts a large fundraiser for all the SICM students called Spring Showcase. If you live in the Dallas area, I strongly recommend that you come check it out! It's a fun night of entertainment provided by students in our ministries. There will be an art show with original art from students and a concert as well. Tickets are $20 online and you can buy them
here. I hope to see you there!

One more thing I wanted to tell you about: this past weekend I was honored to be able to baptize one of the girls on our leader team named Lore. She has been serving in our ministry since August and has such a sweet heart for the Lord and for others. She has been living her life for God for a while now but decided to be obedient to God's command to be baptized. I'm so excited for her and for what God's Spirit is doing in her life!
Praise God! I want to thank you for investing in the change that God is making in the lives of these students. This wouldn't be possible without your support!
Much love!
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