Happy New Year! The start of a new year for a campus minister is exciting but often bittersweet. Students graduate and move on, but new students are constantly shuffling in. It's a time to reflect on the previous year's blessings while making goals for the next one. It's a time of planning and reflection. I would like to briefly reflect with you on some of the things God has done in FOCUS in 2015.
- Raised $31,000 from our 1st Annual Keep FOCUS Growing Initiative
- Planted FOCUS ministries at The University of Texas at Arlington and North Central Texas College
- Hosted 12 students and 2 ministry interns from Western Washington University for a week to reach out to students on our campuses
- Raised $8,500 from our SICM showcase concert to send students to the Student Institute of Campus Ministry
- Held Pizza Theology events to teach students about Heaven, Hell, and Everything in Between, and another one on How to Think Like a Christian
- Sent 80 students to the Student Institute of Campus Ministry in Washington
- Added 14 new ministry interns to our staff (and a new Admin Director)
- Taught our students about the Holy Spirit and his impact on our lives
- Held the 2nd Annual Keep FOCUS Growing Initiative (money is still coming in!)
- Studied the Bible with countless new and international students across our campuses
- Trained students to lead their peers in faith and in life
And that's the list that applies to all of our campuses. I could add even more that God has done through our ministry at Collin College specifically. 2015 was a year of tremendous growth in numbers and in connection to Jesus. GOD IS GREAT!
UTA Ministry |
Students from NCTC with staff
FOCUS staff 2015-2016
Students praying at SICM |
Hoping and praying that 2016 will be a year full of continued blessing and provision from the Lord as last year was. Coming up this month is our biggest event of the year, Winter Camp! I'm so excited and can't wait to share all about it! Thanks to all of you who have continued to support FOCUS this year, because without you none of these things would have been possible!
I'll leave you with some photos from our Collin Christmas Party last month:
Me and my "Peer Team" that I mentor
Collin FOCUS Staff 2015-2016
Thanks for reading! Much love <3
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